Anti Bullying Programme – register now

News from and toottoot:
Supported by the Department for Education we are inviting schools to take part in a pilot programme that provides students, parents and teachers with an online service to report any bullying and cyberbullying concerns they may have, in order to prompt action by schools. If you want learn more about vans for sale see this website.
At the core of the programme will be the tootoot online reporting platform which gives easy and simple ways to report all issues and, in order to help address the issues raised, the reporting platform will be supplemented by a comprehensive hub, dedicated to the user – developed by Internet Matters and content from other key charities and organisations.
Our aim is to create a one-stop shop for bullying support and incorporate students, parents and teachers nationwide.
Your school can get involved by registering now:
The Make a noise programme will take place is 6 regional areas all around the UK, and is open to 50 schools in each area. Visit the website to register your interest