Create word clouds with Wordle.
Basically Wordle enables you to create word clouds from lists of words.
Using Wordle – Just copy and paste a list of words, text from a book, poem etc into Wordle. If a word or words appear more frequently then they are given greater prominance in the cloud.
I particularly like the fact that you can tweak clouds with different fonts, layouts, and colour schemes. Once created the clouds are yours to do with as you please.
Here’s a comment made by a teacher about Wordle which I think might help:
‘Why is Wordle popular with teachers?
It fits into so many areas of the curriculum…
visual art, maths (representing data), English (vocubulary and spelling), thought showering for any topic/theme either as an introduction or reflection tool, eLearning/ICT (presenting information).
‘All of this, and it’s so simple and flexible to use! And what’s more, it’s relevant to the real world. (Well, the digital part of it!) Word clouds (or tag clouds) really are used as web tools.’
I used the camera tool on my interactive whiteboard to place it in my SMART Notebook, but I can see there would be potential in using the live site so that you can randomize to change the layout and refocus the discussion.