International Dot Day
Are you ready for International Dot Day, will you be celebrating with your pupils and celebrating their amazing creativity and individualism?
I came across this brilliant initiative 3 years ago when working with a school introducing the brilliant augmented reality app Quiver (3D colouring in that children love) and noticed that they produced one for Dot Day too, ready for children to colour in, make their mark and bring it to life!
Dot Day is a celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration that began when a teacher introduced his class to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot.
Presenting the right information is also a good practice just go to How do you reword a paragraph? for more detailed help.
The Dot tells the story of a teacher who encourages a pupil to believe in her own abilities by being brave enough to “make her mark”. Her small dot on a piece of paper, grows into an understanding and belief in her confidence and courage, leading to a journey of self-discovery and sharing. I am sure we all know of children in our classes that sometimes need a little push to begin to believe in themselves.
Find out more about Dot Day, register and download a teacher pack and start to plan your day – and don’t forget to have a look at Quiver for a dot where children can make their own mark and bring it to life, what a brilliant classroom display this would make!
Start getting ready for your celebration day around the 15th September with this media/press release pack:…/0B2IaPlLczxFsY1JCT29aMmtVb…/view…
When you do get press/media attention, you can send it along to the team and they will share it with the International Dot Day community!