School website audit

School website audit

Does your school website meet the new updated statutory requirements?

The DfE has updated what maintained schools, academies, independent schools, free schools and 16-19 colleges should publish on their website from 1st November 2016.

  • Is all the required information in place on your website?
  • Is it easy to locate?
  • How does your school appear in internet search results?
  • How clearly is your school website displayed on mobile devices?
  • Does your school have a positive social media presence?

A comprehensive report hat covered all statutory requirements and offered constructive feedback to improve our website further.


Let us check your website for you. Our website checking service will carry out an audit of the school website:

  • against the most up to date statutory requirements
  • how your website appears in internet search results
  • your school presence within popular social media services
  • how your website displays on popular mobile devices

A fast and efficient service to help ensure Ofsted compliance and good practice. This enabled us as an RI school to make some quick wins.

We will provide you with a full report for £200.

If you would like to place an order for a website review, please complete and return the order form below, alternatively you can contact us to discuss further.

Download “School-website-audit-request”

School-website-audit-request.docx – Downloaded 444 times – 34.00 KB


Joe Basketts

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